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Date création:  30-07-2011
Nombre de vues:  2278
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > hardware > ipad > rumors
   Tutoriel N° f1

iPad 3 Gets Retina

There have been a lot of stories floating around about Apple trying to make the iPad 3 cheaper. Are they true?

According to a recent report from DigiTimes, Apple is considering the inclusion of less expensive component makers into the chain for supplies for the upcoming iPad 3. The thought behind this is that Apple wants to make the release of the iPad 3 competitive with the flood of Android powered tablets in the market. DigiTimes goes on to explain that Apple is considering using Novatek, Capella, Richtek Technology, and Intergrated Memory Logic for different components within the iPad 3. These companies are all cheaper alternatives based out of Taiwan.

Will the iPad 3 be cheaper?

I personally don’t think that is in the plans for Apple at this time. Although the report may be correct in that they are seeking cheaper component producers. Those savings will probably not be passed onto the consumer. Or they may just cover an increase in production in another area of the iPad. With all of the talk of the high resolution screen, possibly a Retina Display, it is very possible it will be a reality. If this does occur you can expect to see an increase in cost of production for the screens. A Retina Display would be on the edge of new technology and with that brings a high price tag. To keep prices near the current models Apple would be forced to cut costs in other areas. If they were not to do this then they would be forced to increase prices. This of course wouldn’t be to the liking of many Apple fans.

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