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Install OS X Lion on a Hackintosh with Unibeast
Ecrit par: Shareannonce
Date création:  04-11-2011
Nombre de vues:  3244
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > logiciel > lion
   Tutoriel N° 1d1

Install OS X Lion on a Hackintosh with Unibeast

For those running a Hackintosh (a PC built to unofficially run Mac OS X) who haven’t upgraded to or installed Mac OS X Lion yet, your excuses to delay the 10.7 update are dwindling. The newly released Unibeast tool from the ever-resourceful TonyMacX86 makes the entire process easier than ever. The requirements for using Unibeast are simple:

- 8GB+ USB drive

- Mac OS X Lion Installer (download from the App Store) or an OS X Lion USB drive – Tip: from a Mac running 10.7 Lion, you can re-download OS X Lion from the App Store without having to buy it again by simply holding down the option key when clicking on the “Purchases” tab.

- Compatible Hackintosh PC hardware build

Follow the full Unibeast installation guide on TonyMacX86

The walkthrough covers setup of the installer drive to BIOS adjustments and post-install fixes with MultiBeast to enable ethernet, sound, GPU, everything. If you’ve made an OS X Lion USB installer drive http://www.shareannonce.com/david/tutorial/1b0 before you can use that for the drive requirement and you’ll find some of the walkthrough familiar, but even without any such experience it’s easy to follow.

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