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Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 2.1
Ecrit par: Shareannonce
Date création:  05-10-2011
Nombre de vues:  1865
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > logiciel > lion
   Tutoriel N° 19d

Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 2.1

Disk Speed Test is an easy to use tool to quickly measure and certify your disk performance for working with high quality video! Simply click the start button and Disk Speed Test will write test your disk using large blocks of data, and then display the result. Disk Speed Test will continue to test writes and reads from your disk so you can evaluate both performance and readability over time.

What's New in Version 2.1
Some SSD's use hidden compression when writing data to make their benchmarked speeds appear faster. Disk Speed Test will now measure the true speed of these SSD's so you know if they are suitable for high quality uncompressed video capture.

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