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Ecrit par: Shareannonce
Date création:  04-11-2011
Nombre de vues:  3158
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > logiciel > lion
   Tutoriel N° 1d4

Winamp Comes to Mac, Bringing Easy Android Sync

Winamp by Nullsoft, now owned by AOL, was a major media player back in the MP3 sharing heyday -- and is still the preferred media player for a large number of Windows users.

Last week, the Winamp team launched Winamp for Mac Sync Beta, the first Winamp application for the Mac. Winamp was rumored to be coming to Mac as far back as 2001, but the software was never released.

The main focus of the release is wireless and wired sync of music for Android phones and their Winamp for Android app. Winamp for Mac also happens to import and automatically syncs playlists from iTunes and acts as a basic music player, but many other features are presently absent. Nullsoft, however, reports that many more features are coming soon and promises a "new long-term commitment to the Mac OS platform."

Winamp for Mac Sync Beta is a free download directly from Winamp's website.


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