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Date création:  27-09-2011
Nombre de vues:  2845
Catégorie:  finance
   Tutoriel N° 184

Was the BBC's trader from hell one big hoax? Claims greedy dealer praying for a recession in which to get rich was a FAKE

The 'trader' at the centre of a controversial interview, in which he claimed the City just 'loves' a economic disaster, was today accused of being a hoaxer.
Twitter users took to the social networking site to 'out' the City trader as an imposter and claimed he was a member of a group of hoaxers, hours after an astonishing interview on the BBC.
Interviewers were left open-mouthed as Alessio Rastani admitted that traders 'don't really care that much' about the prospect of an economic collapse.
He astonished BBC viewers yesterday by describing his hopes of profiting from a recession, adding: 'The governments don't rule the world - Goldman Sachs rules the world.'

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