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Ecrit par: Shareannonce
Date création:  26-09-2011
Nombre de vues:  2688
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > logiciel > lion
   Tutoriel N° 17e

Worml partage de fichiers en P2P mac os x lion

Sending files directly to your peers is now as easy as drag & drop

Peer to peer transfers
Worml transfers files directly from your computer into your peer’s. There’s no server in between to slow it down.

Share anything, any size
Files of any size, URLs, text or screenshots. Worml is the fastest way to send and receive anything.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Each of your peers can be assigned a unique keyboard shortcut so you can share things as fast as possible.

Short URL transfers
Create a URL that points directly to a file inside your computer for immediate download by anyone who has that link.

You have no time to waste, so as soon as you receive a file or website, Worml automatically opens it for you.

No monthly fees
Buy the app once, and you can transfer as much as you want forever and ever.



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