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Date création:  15-09-2011
Nombre de vues:  2920
Catégorie:  informatique > apple > logiciel > lion > update
   Tutoriel N° 160

Mac mini EFI Firmware Update 1.3


About Mac mini EFI Firmware Update 1.3
This update includes fixes that enhance the stability of Lion Recovery from an Internet connection, and resolve issues with Apple Thunderbolt Display compatibility and Thunderbolt Target Disk Mode performance on Mac Mini (mid 2011) models.

For more information about Lion Recovery, please visit http://www.apple.com/macosx/recovery/.

The Mac mini EFI Update will update the EFI firmware on your Mac mini computer. When your Mac mini restarts, a gray screen will appear with a status bar to indicate the progress of the update. It will take several minutes for the update to complete. Do not disturb or shut off the power on your Mac mini during this update.

Boot ROM or SMC Version Information: After this update has successfully completed, your Boot ROM Version will be: MM51.88Z.0077.B0A.1109091226

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